A régebbi WordPress verzióknál még működött a Jetpack WordPress.com csatolása, de az újnál valamiért ezt a hibát dobja ki:
A webhelyünknek nyilvánosan elérhetőnek kell lennie, a Jetpack használatához: site_inaccessible
Hiba részletei: The Jetpack server was unable to communicate with your site http://webhelyed.címe van itt [IXR -32300: transport error: http_request_failed transfer closed with 42 bytes remaining to read]
Kipróbáltam a 3.7.1-alatt régebbi Jetpack-ot, de azzal sem megy, ugyan ez a hiba. Érdekes viszont, ha egy régebben telepített régi Wp mellé volt téve Jetpack és ott kapcsolódunk akkor a WP frissítés után a kapcsolat megmarad,de mihelyt lekapcsolódunk többet már nem enged visszakapcsolódni a WP.com-ra.
Ha valaki tud megldást kérem jelezze...Köszönöm szépen előre is. (Gondolom a következő Update) tartalmazza majd a javítást a WP-ben mert sejteni vélem abban változott valami...szerintem.
An incompatible plugin. Find out by disabling all plugins except Jetpack. If the problem persists, it's not a plugin issue. If the problem is solved, turn your plugins on one by one until the problem pops up again – there's the culprit! Let us know, and we'll try to help.
A theme conflict. If your problem isn't known or caused by a plugin, try activating Twenty Twelve (the default WordPress theme). If this solves the problem, something in your theme is probably broken – let the theme's author know.
A problem with your XMLRPC file. Load your XMLRPC file. It should say “XML-RPC server accepts POST requests only.” on a line by itself.
- If it's not by itself, a theme or plugin is displaying extra characters. Try steps 2 and 3.
- If you get a 404 message, contact your web host. Their security may block XMLRPC.
If none of these help you find a solution, click here to contact Jetpack support. Tell us as much as you can about the issue and what steps you've tried to resolve it, and one of our Happiness Engineers will be in touch to help.
An incompatible plugin. Find out by disabling all plugins except Jetpack. If the problem persists, it's not a plugin issue. If the problem is solved, turn your plugins on one by one until the problem pops up again – there's the culprit! Let us know, and we'll try to help.
A theme conflict. If your problem isn't known or caused by a plugin, try activating Twenty Twelve (the default WordPress theme). If this solves the problem, something in your theme is probably broken – let the theme's author know.
A problem with your XMLRPC file. Load your XMLRPC file. It should say “XML-RPC server accepts POST requests only.” on a line by itself.
- If it's not by itself, a theme or plugin is displaying extra characters. Try steps 2 and 3.
- If you get a 404 message, contact your web host. Their security may block XMLRPC.
If none of these help you find a solution, click here to contact Jetpack support. Tell us as much as you can about the issue and what steps you've tried to resolve it, and one of our Happiness Engineers will be in touch to help.
An incompatible plugin. Find out by disabling all plugins except Jetpack. If the problem persists, it's not a plugin issue. If the problem is solved, turn your plugins on one by one until the problem pops up again – there's the culprit! Let us know, and we'll try to help.
A theme conflict. If your problem isn't known or caused by a plugin, try activating Twenty Twelve (the default WordPress theme). If this solves the problem, something in your theme is probably broken – let the theme's author know.
A problem with your XMLRPC file. Load your XMLRPC file. It should say “XML-RPC server accepts POST requests only.” on a line by itself.
- If it's not by itself, a theme or plugin is displaying extra characters. Try steps 2 and 3.
- If you get a 404 message, contact your web host. Their security may block XMLRPC.
If none of these help you find a solution, click here to contact Jetpack support. Tell us as much as you can about the issue and what steps you've tried to resolve it, and one of our Happiness Engineers will be in touch to help.
There seems to be a problem with your site’s ability to communicate with Jetpack!
It looks like your site can not communicate properly with Jetpack.
Trouble with Jetpack?
It may be caused by one of these issues, which you can diagnose yourself:
A known issue. Some themes and plugins have known conflicts with Jetpack – check the list. (You can also browse the Jetpack support pages or Jetpack support forum to see if others have experienced and solved the problem.)
An incompatible plugin. Find out by disabling all plugins except Jetpack. If the problem persists, it's not a plugin issue. If the problem is solved, turn your plugins on one by one until the problem pops up again – there's the culprit! Let us know, and we'll try to help.
A theme conflict. If your problem isn't known or caused by a plugin, try activating Twenty Twelve (the default WordPress theme). If this solves the problem, something in your theme is probably broken – let the theme's author know.
A problem with your XMLRPC file. Load your XMLRPC file. It should say “XML-RPC server accepts POST requests only.” on a line by itself.
- If it's not by itself, a theme or plugin is displaying extra characters. Try steps 2 and 3.
- If you get a 404 message, contact your web host. Their security may block XMLRPC.
If none of these help you find a solution, click here to contact Jetpack support. Tell us as much as you can about the issue and what steps you've tried to resolve it, and one of our Happiness Engineers will be in touch to help.
Kikapcsoltam a PHP tömörítést a szerveremen úgy sem jó. Bővítmény csak a Jetpack és az Akismet, Azigen van az oldal mellett így azok kikapcsolása sem oldja meg a gondom.